Free metatags generator

Quickly generate proper metatags

Free metatags generator

Use our free metatags generator to generate the most important metatags as well as microformat tags.

The 'Target' metatag can be used to place extra keywords for a sitesearch script or for search engine that consider every metatag. You could also rename this metatag with a name relevant as keyword (<meta name="your_most_relevant_keyword" content="keyword, keyword, etc.">).

You can enter starting values and generate the metatags. If not completely satisfied, modify any metatag as is needed and reset then run the generator again.

Required metatags and microformat tags

Site URL *
Site name *
Title * The title tag should be no more than 65 characters
Description * Between 50 and 400 characters
Keywords * Separate with commas, up to 10 keywords
Copyright *
Robots *
Revisit after
Type *
Schema *

Optional metatags





Copy (Ctrl-C) and Paste (Ctrl-V) the metatags in your Web page directly after the <HEAD> tag.